I found good youtube videos and thought it might be a good idea to share it with you guys :)
It talks about three inventors, Vannevar Bush, Ted Neldon, and Doug Engelbart.
It's easy to understand and i hope you'll enjoy waching it :D
Here's youtube videos:
Part One:
A short narration of the three minds that theorized the workings of the modern computer. These three imaginative inventors are considered to be the godfathers of the modern day computer and therefore superheros in their own sense. There by deserving their own motion comic to relay their tale and contribution to a machine that has become part of our everyday lives.
Part 2:
It talks about three inventors, Vannevar Bush, Ted Neldon, and Doug Engelbart.
It's easy to understand and i hope you'll enjoy waching it :D
Here's youtube videos:
Part One:
A short narration of the three minds that theorized the workings of the modern computer. These three imaginative inventors are considered to be the godfathers of the modern day computer and therefore superheros in their own sense. There by deserving their own motion comic to relay their tale and contribution to a machine that has become part of our everyday lives.
Part 2:
Thank you for waching!
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